Sample Talks by Troy Guy

Encountering Jesus of Nazareth
Christianity is not solely focused on knowing facts, having good ethics, mentally assenting to historical events, or living a moral life. Conversely, the Christian faith is having a transforming encounter and personal relationship with the Person of Jesus – God in flesh! The Christian faith is experiencing and knowing God and walking with Him to Heaven. Troy explains the “Good News” and teaches you how to lead others to Christ.  This talk is excellent for The New Evangelization, not only evangelizing those outside the Church but also people inside the Church who haven’t heard and accepted the “Good News.” You will be empowered to share the Gospel through your life and through your words – both are required.

Apologetics for Defending the Faith – talk, plus a book for all attendees!
Do you know how to answer the question “Why are you Catholic?” Do you know how to respond when challenged about Mary, Apostolic Succession, the Eucharist, praying to Saints? Can you answer why there are sacred icons, a crucifix or statues in the Church? Can you explain the Biblical and historical basis of these truths to your friends and family? Troy gives every attendee a free copy of his book, Evangelical Catholic – A journey through the Biblical and historical evidence that led yet another evangelical Protestant to the Apostolic Church!  You will learn to effectively explain and defend the Catholic faith with precision, boldness, and love.

Apologetics for Defending the Faith – talk only
Do you know how to answer the question “Why are you Catholic?” Do you know how to respond when challenged about Mary, Apostolic Succession, the Eucharist, praying to Saints? Can you answer why there are sacred icons, a crucifix or statues in the Church? Can you explain the Biblical and historical basis of these truths to your friends and family? You will learn to effectively explain and defend the Catholic faith with precision, boldness, and love.

The Holy Eucharist – The Real Presence of Jesus
A large percentage of Catholics surveyed said they do not believe that Bread and Wine are transformed into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus despite this being the very center of Catholic theology and doctrine. Why does the Church teach this? Is it Biblical? What is the evidence for this truth? What did the apostles and early Church Fathers believe?  This is a powerful talk!  Troy will demonstrate the Biblical and historical basis for the Catholic teaching of The Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. This talk is a must for all faithful Catholics!

The Four Marks of The Church
The four marks of the Church, captured by the early Christians in the Nicene Creed, demonstrate that the Catholic Church is in fact the same Church Jesus established 2,000 years ago. In this amazing talk, Troy will present the Biblical and historical evidence and build your faith and love for the Catholic Church! This is one of the most powerful talks in apologetics!

Peter, the Papacy, and Apostolic Succession
The biblical basis for the Papacy, with particular emphasis on St. Peter the first Pope of the Catholic Church, is explained. Troy shows how the Catholic Church is apostolic in that it can demonstrate an unbroken line of succession traceable directly to St. Peter the Apostle and therefore to Christ Himself. Never be caught off guard when asked to explain this distinctively Catholic truth.

Mary – Behold Your Mother!
In this captivating talk, Troy explains what the Church teaches about Mary, the model disciple and mother of God. Troy shows how to respond to typical Protestant objections and misconceptions about the Virgin Mary. This talk is very well received and widely requested, given that Troy was once an anti-Catholic and used this doctrine to attack the very Church he now loves.

The Communion of Saints
Why do Catholics pray to Mary? Why do we ask for prayer when we can go directly to God? Isn’t there only one mediator, Jesus Christ? Troy explains intercessory prayer, the communion of saints, and what the great Biblical “cloud of witnesses” is and why they matter in our daily life.  You will see the Biblical basis of this truth in striking clarity and be able to explain why our “prayer-chain” is not limited to our brothers and sisters on earth but includes saints in Heaven!

The “Bible Alone” Theory – Sola Scriptura
Troy is a former Baptist and was previously a forceful advocate of Sola Scriptura until he discovered this doctrine to be (ironically!) unbiblical, unhistorical, unreasonable, and unworkable. In this talk Troy shows why the “Bible Alone” theory is unbiblical and presents how you can defeat these Protestant challenges with boldness and extensive Scriptural evidence.

The Biblical Foundations of the Mass
The Mass is where we are called to worship God as one Body of Christ.  Yet, many Catholics aren’t sure exactly “where the Mass is in the Bible” or perhaps don’t know where the symbols, prayers, movements, responses, and liturgies come from, making the Mass less transforming in their daily life.  In this talk Troy will walk through the Mass and demonstrate the Biblical basis for the Mass, and, show you exactly how each part of the Mass is packed with meaning that is directly applicable for our life! This amazing talk leaves you with a deep desire to walk with Christ at every Mass and move from being a spectator at Church to a participant in the greatest worship moment on earth.

The Early Church Fathers – Who are they and why they matter
The Church Fathers are the closest witnesses to the apostles and therefore give us a great picture of the early Church. For example, did you know that St. Ignatius of Antioch was a disciple of John the Apostle, or, that St. Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp, who was himself a disciple of John? These early Church Fathers give witness to the life of Jesus, St. Peter’s primacy, apostolic succession, The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, sacred Tradition, Mary’s Perpetual virginity, Immaculate Conception, and her title as ‘Mother of God.’ In addition, the early Church Fathers give witness to Baptism, the divinity of Christ, and many other Catholic doctrines!  Troy introduces five of the earliest Church Fathers and shows how their faith and practice before the 4th century, and the Catholic Church in the 21st century is one and the same!

Nuclear Engineer Discovers the Eucharist
Troy is a professional engineer, with degrees in physics, nuclear engineering, and electrical engineering. In this talk, Troy shares the lifechanging power of the Eucharist and discusses how he, a scientist, came to see and believe the Biblical reality of the Holy Eucharist. Experience a talk that will bring about a personal transformation with Jesus and a solid understanding of the Eucharist!

“I Am Not Being Fed in the Catholic Church!”
Why be Catholic when there are thousands of denominations I can choose from? These denominations offer opportunities for exciting children’s ministries, powerful preaching, entertaining music, and practical sermons that “feed me”? Have you ever felt like that? Have you heard other people say this? If so, this popular talk answers your questions and shows you exactly how to address this modern issue in the Church. Very practical and timely!

Your Professional Career and Your Catholic Faith
Troy has worked in the nuclear and aerospace industries for almost 20 years as an engineer and scientist. How can you be a faithful Catholic and a professional in today’s anti-Catholic culture?  Troy, through the use of actual stories, gives practical guidance on how your Catholic faith can strengthen your professional development and turn you into a highly motived and productive employee while deepening your Catholic faith like never before! Excellent talk for professional Catholics.

Protestant and Catholic Dialogue
Troy’s deep relationships with Protestant Pastors and other Protestants has proven that Catholics and evangelicals can work together on social issues (abortion, feeding the poor, political issues) but there is much more! What can you do to build authentic Christian unity? How can you approach Catholic-Protestant dialogue to move the relationship toward a common understanding and agreement in faith and practice (The Real Presence of Christ)?  Troy will share, through his experience and meetings with Protestant Pastors, how to move toward authentic Christian unity. This talk will give you the confidence and background to do the same!

Lent – Renew and Arise!
Troy takes you on a journey through Lent, which is a 40-day liturgical season developed in the fourth century for fasting, special prayer, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter. In this exiting talk, Troy gives you practical tools to renew your relationship with Jesus and prepare to celebrate His glorious resurrection. You will leave challenged, encouraged, and focused on the glorious hope we have because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ!