Media Interviews

Troy Guy

Sola Scriptura

The ‘Bible Alone’ Theory
Is this theory, birthed at the Protestant Reformation, Biblical? No, and here is why!

Apostolic Succession

The Catholic Church can prove her origins directly back to the Apostles.

Cross or Crucifix?

Why do Catholics (and Orthodox) Christians often display a crucifix?

Communion of Saints

Why Catholic prayer chains are bigger! Catholics include the entire Body of Christ in prayer.


What is Socialism and why is it a threat to the world? Is it Biblical? Is it consistent with a Catholic Christian worldview?

Troy Guy dismantles Socialism’s false claims

What does the Bible say about angels?
Are guardian angels real?
Who is Michael the Archangel?

Listen to the latest interview with
Troy Guy and Gary Michuta!

The Biblical Roots of Incense, Candles, and Relics!

Listen to the latest interview with
Troy Guy and Gary Michuta!

Was the early Church Catholic?
Who are the Church fathers and what did they believe – Protestant?

Listen to the latest interview with
Troy Guy and Gary Michuta!

Mary – The Mother of our Lord!
Biblical and Historical Foundations

Listen to the latest interview with
Troy Guy and Gary Michuta!

Why Incense, Candles and Relics?
Interview with Troy Guy

Troy Guy interviewed on Virgin Most Powerful Radio:
Godly men and woman during Pandemics!

Troy is interviewed by Richard Reyna
on the Rise and Walk Show!

Troy Guy on “Sola 2nd Timothy? Why Sola Scriptura is Un-Biblical

Teresa and Troy discuss his new book, Evangelical Catholic

Troy Guy: Early Church Fathers:
Protestant or Catholic?

Ron Finn and Deacon Joe Malenfan
interview Troy Guy. Very in-depth!

Dan DiBiase talks
with Troy Guy

Gabriella and Jim talk with Troy his new work,
Evangelical Catholic

Gus & Troy talk
about Evangelical Catholic

Troy interviews in-studio with Larry Massey

Al Kresta and Troy have a coffee chat!

Troy and Kyle discuss Evangelical Catholic

Gaby and Jeff talk to Troy about his new apologetics book

Troy is interviewed by Bob Johnston on the Being Catholic show
(slight audio problems on hearing)

Deacon Mike and Troy Guy discuss Evangelical Catholic,
a new Apologetics book!

Judi Paparozzi of Carolina Catholic has an interview
with Troy Guy. Very in-depth!

Deacon Kevin Endres and Troy discuss his conversion
story and new book

Troy on 'Spirit Catholic Radio' with Bruce and Jen!