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Evangelical Catholic is an in-depth apologetic of the Catholic Christian faith. Written by a former Protestant, who once strongly believed that the Catholic Church’s teachings were contrary to the Bible, Troy Guy presents the Biblical and historical evidence that eventually led to his conversion.
You will discover:
- Jesus and the call to follow Him more intimately.
- Why the Nicene Creed points directly to the Catholic Church.
- The unbroken line of apostolic succession to the Apostle Peter.
- Holy Communion (the Eucharist) is not just symbolic.
- The Protestant ‘Bible Alone’ theory is unbiblical.
- Why the Church honors Mary, but does not worship her.
- The Biblical basis for the Communion of the Saints.
- The visual gospel proclaimed through sacred icons.
- The Scriptural origin and foundation of the sacred liturgy.
- Church Fathers and the Catholic Church
…and much, much more!
Evangelical Catholic is written for anyone seeking to understand the Catholic faith, with a particular emphasis on the obstacles that Protestants question. This book demonstrates that the Catholic Church is the one Church Jesus established 2,000 years ago and invites us all to discover His Church.