
Come and See

By January 14, 2018 No Comments

In the Divine Liturgy today, we heard about God calling Samuel. In short, Samuel was sleeping when God called him. Ultimately, Samuel was able to say, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10). In the responsorial Psalm, we heard “Here I am Lord, I have come to do Your will.” We also recite the words of the Roman centurion who said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof…” (Matthew 8:8).  Are you able to authentically say “Lord, speak to me I am ready to do Your will?” Or, are you more like the Roman centurion who believed he “is not worthy?” The good news is that God can, and does, use people who are flawed, imperfect, and struggle in life in very real ways. Consider these people that were used by God:

Abraham was very old.
Elijah was scared, fearful and suicidal.
Joseph was abused.
Job went bankrupt.
Moses had a speech problem.
Gideon was afraid.
Samson was a womanizer and had prostitutes.
Rahab was a prostitute.
The Samaritan woman was divorced.
Noah got drunk.
Jeremiah thought he was too young.
Jacob was a cheater.
David was a murderer and adulterer.
Jonah ran from God.
Naomi was a widow.
Peter denied Jesus three times.
Martha worried about everything.
Zacchaeus was small and loved money.
Paul persecuted Christians, then became one.
You . . . ?

We heard Jesus ask “What are you looking for?” When the disciples followed Jesus, He simply responded “Come, and you will see.” This is what God is asking of you and me. Let us offer our flaws and imperfections up to God, knowing He deeply loves us (John 3:16), will forgive us (1 John 1:9), and has a plan for our life (Jeremiah 29:11) despite our imperfections.

Listen to God, and proclaim “Your servant is listening.” Come, and you will see!


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