Hi dear friends of DiscoverHisChurch! Blessings to you in Christ our Lord. Please join us…
This article was written in 2016 from an endorser of my book, Evangelical Catholic. Still an…
In St. John’s Gospel we read, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word…
As a Protestant, I worshipped in a “Bible Church” that taught “what the Apostles taught.”…
“Don’t you know He has risen?” Why do most Christians have crucifixes in their Churches…
In St. John’s Gospel we read, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word…
Brothers and sisters in Christ, We welcome you to watch the The Journey Home show…
YOU are called! Every one of us is called to be an evangelist. Jesus never leaves…
Rev. Billy Graham’s love for Jesus Christ and spreading the Holy Gospel has deeply impacted…
I was talking to a friend recently when the topic of abortion came up. Knowing…
In the Divine Liturgy today, we heard about God calling Samuel. In short, Samuel was…