
Advent is here!

By December 3, 2017 No Comments

Advent is the four Sunday’s leading up to Christmas. It is a time of the Christian liturgical calendar when we prepare our hearts for Christ our King. We remember our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s first coming, God in flesh! In addition, as Christians we celebrate the promise and expectation of Christ’s second coming. Christ came and He will come again. It is this historical fact, and future promise, that we prepare for and celebrate in the life of the Church. Advent season is when our Church celebrates both Comings of Jesus Christ! Like St. John the Baptist, who gave up his life for Christ, we are also called to give our life fully to Christ and follow Him – even to the point of martyrdom!

When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation for the Savior’s first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire for his second coming. By celebrating the precursor’s birth and martyrdom [St. John the Baptist], the Church unites herself to his desire: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

The liturgical color used at Advent is purple. It’s a visual reminder of our redeemer and the repentance required of us before receiving Christ at Christmas.  The color purple calls us to repent and turn to God in preparing the way of the Lord for His coming. The color used on the third Sunday of Advent is rose, which reminds us of the utmost joy and rejoicing we receive when Christ comes again! Rose is a lighter color, calling to mind that Christ is “the light of the world.” Rejoice, Jesus is coming again! The Advent wreath is a circle that has no beginning or end, as God is eternal and His love for us is everlasting.

1st Sunday of Advent – Reminds us Jesus is coming (“Prophets Candle”).

2nd Sunday of Advent – Reminds us of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem (“Bethlehem Candle”).

3rd Sunday of Advent – Experiencing joy at the coming of Christ (“Shepherds Candle”).

4th Sunday of Advent – The angel’s message, Peace on Earth and Good will toward men (“Angels Candle”).

There is a third coming of Christ. This is Christ in our hearts, being aware of His Presence in us. This is a perfect way for families to celebrate Christ and share Him with each other at the domestic church, our individual homes! It is a time when parents and children gather and experience Christ together. One of the greatest things fathers can do is introduce their family to Jesus Christ and celebrate the Lord’s Coming within the family.

Here are some practical ways that can help us all during Advent:

  1. Spend time in prayer and listen to God (“be still and know that I AM God”).
  2. Read the Bible to yourself and with your family.
  3. Spend quality time away from ‘commercialism’ and deeply contemplate Jesus.
  4. Make time to teach your family and children about Christ (parents #1 responsibility).
  5. Be an example and live the life God has called you to live (“by your actions, they will know you are disciples of Jesus”).
  6. Light the Advent candles at dinner with your family, pray, and explain the meaning behind each candle.
  7. Most of all, prepare your own heart for Christmas!

How are you celebrating Advent this year? What are you placing your hope in? Make this year the year of repentance, salvation, and joy with Christ!
